waaaaaaaa sdap nyer..it was really delicious and tasty..aza n syfa were cooked me a "Ayam Masak Merah" with a "Sayur Kobis"...Simple but it looks nice..sdap gler..siap bwk blk tapau lg..well..aza n syafa were my wives..so this was a part of their responsibility right???..yeah! cooking for husband..wakakaka=p
memborong sayur ker cik adik oi? hehe=p eh wife aku la..hahaahha=p masak kn utk saya ye?makaseh..lalalala=p
even diorang puasa Sunat 6, still sdap diorang masak..hebat x? hehehe=p
harap2..keyone lg hebat masak dr mereka..hehehe=p insyaAllah..huhu=]
huh? begitu rakus aku mkn..hahahaha=p
Dont try this at home ! (from G-Force Movie)
sdap nyer kobis tuh..x abes mkn..aku yg bwk blk..utk mkn lunch esk..hahahaha=p
sdap2..nyum2..aza mkn je keje smpai x kesah camere dh pown..hahaha=p
thu la puasa..lapa ye?hehehe..cian..lalala=p
smpat lg si cik syafa nih..mkn jerk laaa dok posing2 plak..hahahaha=p
(bak kate afni)
siap ko yah !
love u guys..! thanx masak kn..hehehe=p
esk mlm diorang nk masakn kn lg..kalo tiap2 hari mcm nih kn best..aku leh jd gmok..eh2..silap..tough laaa bkn gmok..hahahaha=p