Today, i bkk pose kt Masjid. best..mkanan nyer sdap2..mcm2 mknan ader.. bkn tuh jerk..dpt knl antara sesama umat islam..ader bdak dr UKM laaa..dr UIA la n ader dr borak2 dgn diorang..AWEK dtg pown ramai..hahahhaa=p hmm...mmg best laaa..esk nk gie lg..sape nk join? bkn dtg masjid just nk mkn sedap jerk taw..dtg masjid beramal..bkn melantak! hahahaha=p sengal2..lalalala~
pakcik2 tgh mkn ape tuh? cm sdap jerk..lalalala~
aku maen snap jerk pic bdak ukm nih..xnk kantoi..aku amek dr bwh..hahahaha=p
Haaaaaa td solat witir ader doa qunut..coz dh 10 mlm terakhir..sabtu pg ader, mlm tuh aku nk minx mcm2 kt ALLAH..mcm2 solat sunat kite boleh jgn lepas kn peluang anda yeee..solat sunat hajat, taubat, tahjud, tasbih, n mcm2 lg mlm sblom nk wt qiyamullail tuh kne tdo dulu..xkesah la tdo sejam ker 1 minit ker? 1 saat pown boleh gk...hahaha..asl kn tdo..hahahaha=p jgn tdo smpai x bgn plak..tuh dh laen name nyer..hahahhaa=p
So, esk mlm aku tdo kt masjid..dgn jiran2 ku..lalalala~ mlm tuh nk wt pe ek?jeng3..merayau dulu laaa..hahahaha=p member aku ckp..mlm tuh nk wt keje jahat..maen mercun n baling kt kete org..perghhh kjam gler member aku nih..then dia ckp...alaaaaaa mlm wt jahat..esk kn nk solat sunat taubat n sume leh la bertaubat..ader masa lg..rilex laaa..tuh member aku ckp..sengal gk kn dia tuh..hahahaha=p
U know what, I really wanna post this last week..unfortunately, i was busy with my asgnmnt and exam..this pic was before my, me, farid, aza n syafa were study together..i was boring wt r u waiting for..capture time..posing time ! yeah! dh lame x wt bende nih..hahahaha=p
model buku
aksi tonggeng
franchise book..nk bkk mcD..hahaha=p
finally dpt gk aku post setelah sekian lama aku was cause of my exam n asgmnt..btw, gd luck to all of us ~aza,syafa,aina and me~CONSENSUS!
huh? i was really exhausted yesterday night..i tought 4 candidates of SPM students in add math subject for their SPM trial today..waaaaa today i slept from 7am(after subuh) till, i woke up n pray(zuhur)..u know wt..i have to remind all the addmath subject from form 4 till form was a request from my neighbour to teach them..even i just got b3 for my add's not a prob for me to teach them..coz knowledge must be share each other..dont be stingy on ur knowledge coz x BERKAT nant..hehehe=p
i tought them statistic, differentiation, factorize n many more..waaaaa i dont believe it that i can solve all their problems..i made all the solution for them..hopefully they can answer that sucks addmath question..all the best,dude! btw, i was enjoyed teaching them coz at least i had remind myself bout add was a challenging subject for every SPM students..
during the discussion and lecturing them, i thought them really confident and the most thing happened is we playing card..hahaha=p playing card more than study..sengal jiran aku nih..well, it's coomon thing in the guys's environment..hahahaa=p
u seee..bdak2 sengal yg nk amek exam ..add math plak tuh...gler r diorang nih..if i was them, no card n seriously wont join them study group..coz play more than study..hahaaha=p
then, at 3 o'clock all of us slept together in one bed..hahaha=p of my neighbour was rap by us..hahahaha=p xpkai spender..hahahaha=p sengal2..dh laaa..lucah2..ok2,thats all..daaaa~ :p