You know what???? Today at 5.30pm, normally I’m gonna play tennis But, suddenly it’s raining exactly at 5.30pm..hmm..What can I do..Nothing! Coz I can’t blame the rain..so, I just watching tennis French Open in da television (ASTRO channel 816) Even I’m not playing tennis today, at least I’m watching Tennis in TV..hahahaha=p Then, unfortunately the channel suddenly loss cause of rain again..(Heavy rain) But, I’m not going to blame the rain..Then what else can I do? Taraaaa blogging laaaa..hahaha Tension2!!!!!!!!!! Pity to afiq coz he really wanna play with me (nadal)..Since yesterday he said he wanna play tennis with me..we play tmr la k..afiq I’m very unlucky today..hopefully, tomorrow doesn't rain..(god willing)
55 words In English

50 perkataanIn Malay

Try to beat me, guys !

wah wah wah ..
Does Syafa looks like a Lecturer?
huhu.. Amin ~
Today, LoOkMeN , Aza n Aina have donated bloods to the people who really need it
Normally, We do it all together..Unfortunately, one of us wouldn't participate
Syafa won't donate coz she was afraid of blood
Otherwise, she'll cry..huhuhu=p
what can we say..we can't force her to donate
So, just 3 of us..


Add ImageMe n AZA were exchange a "Gift"
AZA bought Chocolate "Black Forest" for me
and i also bought Chocolate "Black Forest" for her
that's we called "Barter System"

Today, Syafa become a new model for Rice
She took placed from Dato' Jalaludin Hassan if i'm not mistaken
but, suddenly she drop da rice n she ran away
Yay !
We fulfilled all Grading Criteria for asgnmnt 1 (Ads & Promotion)
We r so happy =)
but, one more thing is we have to face "VIVA"
it's definitely difficult to achieve Distinction
but, I'll try my best !
here is da result for our group asgnmnt 1
Normally, our group will be represented for answering home work questions
Today, AZA become "CIKGU" !
but, suddenly her "best friend" correcting her fault
she failed to arrange da alphabet properly ( A,B,C,D,E,F,G,I = she forgot to wrote Alphabet "H" )
u supposed go back to TADIKA laaa..hahaha=p

btw, here is her picture..she try to cover her fault by spent us "Teh Tarik" ~REST 1~
does she looks like a teacher?

aZa was dream that she can lift a car with only one hand..
nonsense laaaa ! hahaha
dream is just a sequence of scenes and
feeling occurring in the mind during sleep
my fav sport ! i won 2nd place~ yesterday, i won 6-3 against Afiq !
last month i won 6-4 against Izzat ! Afiq n Izzat not bad laaa..
but, i still can win..yay ! i'm so happy ! this game not depends on the strength but also need to consider bout mind set..hehe=p
we just knew wt does da poker face means
it means "Muka Slumber"
that's y Lady Gaga's face look like a poker face when she's singing
one more thing,
Syafa, aza n aina did poker face.."candid=poker face" lalalala~

"PapRiK AyaM" is one of my fav food..
I ate "PapRiK AyaM" at College food court ( shop no. 6) just now
It was delicious n TasTy..then i added another plate of rice (nasi tambah)
adapted from aina "if we eat a lot, we may become slow (lembab)"
i don't have an intention to eat a lot, but i was really hungry !
hehe :)

i just created a new blog
so, i'm not too professional in blogging
so, here is my details

AbOuT mE??hUrmmm,nOthinG muCh tO saY
Ok,i ThiNk a LoT..but im NoT gOnnA teLL aLL abOuT mE
oH weLL,hErE gOeS..mY nAmE's

LuqmAn a.k.a LoOkMeN

bOrn on LuCky nUm 10th oF NOV 1989
so guys dO thE matH hOw oLd i am..hehe..
be Friendly, Guyz!
~ I wAnNa mEeT aLL 0f U~ To all cuTe gurLz,im stiLL SingLe
I'm LoOkinG fOr a cute gurlz like u..hahaha :)
btw,im kinda nOtTy..haha..
buT hey,we aLL OnLy LivE onCe riGht
sO dOnT bLamE me iF im haVinG toO muCh fUn :)
aNd FinaLLy,wOrd of aDviSe
"thEy cOmE anD gO,sO jUz AccEpT iT".
here simply type this link


baSicaLLy i LurvE my LifE sO muCh,
my sUppOrtiVe/spOrtinG fAmiLy,my fwEnS,my coLLegEmaTe
buT nObOdy's pErfeCt riGht
i'm nOt smOkinG,noT dRinkS..n nOt TakinG a dRuG
So dOn't wOrie if u gUys wAnna bE fwEns wiTh mE
liver_pool_92@yahoo.com hehe :)