i just created a new blog
so, i'm not too professional in blogging
so, here is my details

AbOuT mE??hUrmmm,nOthinG muCh tO saY
Ok,i ThiNk a LoT..but im NoT gOnnA teLL aLL abOuT mE
oH weLL,hErE gOeS..mY nAmE's

LuqmAn a.k.a LoOkMeN

bOrn on LuCky nUm 10th oF NOV 1989
so guys dO thE matH hOw oLd i am..hehe..
be Friendly, Guyz!
~ I wAnNa mEeT aLL 0f U~ To all cuTe gurLz,im stiLL SingLe
I'm LoOkinG fOr a cute gurlz like u..hahaha :)
btw,im kinda nOtTy..haha..
buT hey,we aLL OnLy LivE onCe riGht
sO dOnT bLamE me iF im haVinG toO muCh fUn :)
aNd FinaLLy,wOrd of aDviSe
"thEy cOmE anD gO,sO jUz AccEpT iT".
here simply type this link


baSicaLLy i LurvE my LifE sO muCh,
my sUppOrtiVe/spOrtinG fAmiLy,my fwEnS,my coLLegEmaTe
buT nObOdy's pErfeCt riGht
i'm nOt smOkinG,noT dRinkS..n nOt TakinG a dRuG
So dOn't wOrie if u gUys wAnna bE fwEns wiTh mE
liver_pool_92@yahoo.com hehe :)
7 Responses
  1. Aina Mardiah Says:

    welcem to blogger world!

  2. Aina Mardiah Says:

    am i d cutest one??

  3. LoOkMeN Says:

    come n join me !

    more friends more happiness

    hehe :)

  4. naqiubex Says:

    same with me bro.. just stated this about a month ago 2nd may

  5. LoOkMeN Says:

    owh really, i thought a year ago..huhu=p
    coz u seems look like have many follower, i guess..

  6. Anonymous Says:

    nice blog !

  7. LoOkMeN Says:

    owh really?
    thanx a lot praising my blog=]