we went to THE MINES play bowling for today..
i sacrifice my time not to play tennis..but i join them to play bowling coz long time no bowling..asyik tennis jerk bosan gk.btw, both of these sports are still using a hand to play..hahaha=p (cm pelik jerk bunyik nyer..jgn pikir laen..hahaha)
so, there's a few pic..check it out, bebeh !!!
so, there's a few pic..check it out, bebeh !!!
1st game, me n kerel were compete each other in order to get a king title(the winner!)..lastly, ofcoz, i'm da champion..hahaha=p
During da 1st game....
ok, here as wt i told u.. i won..that was my result..the alphabet " L " for LUQMAN. that's me!!! hahaha=p haaaaaaaa u see there..between me n kerel only 2 different marks..hahaha=p
keep training to beat me next time yeah,kerel..hahaha=p (ish3,b'lagak sungguh nada ku.haha)
keep training to beat me next time yeah,kerel..hahaha=p (ish3,b'lagak sungguh nada ku.haha)
btw, we as a team still win against my our opponent which lead by azmil..hahaha=p
My Opponent's team: including kitty,azmil,aza n bum2(new people involved)..hahaha ok, this is our opponent results..377 compare to our score, 598? omg!!! totally different..hahaha=p
2nd game..forgot to snap laaaa..hahaha=p
During the third game...
My team again..so this is my HIGH SCORE (220) that i really dream of ..thanx a lot THE MINES..i love u..hahaha=p
can u see my result in that pic? 5times strike at the of this frame..wow,i never do that b4..it was amazing..hahaha=p now, i praise myself la plak(sape lg nk puji diri sendiri kn? hahaha)
this time..kerry kalah teruk..lalala~
i thougt he still wanna compete with me..hahaha=p
we still win..boring la asyik mng jerk..hahaha(gelak poyo)..
so, aza has to spent us to BBN next time..owh yeah n karaoke too !!! hahaha=p
hahahahah.. sronok nye die men bowling..
asl terer sgt men in all kinda sports ni .. no wonder kurus...
aku pn nk kurus :(( .. hahahha
well..ntah la x thu la nape aku terer sgt..hahaha=p
poyo jerk aku nih..hahaha=p
kurus bkn rahsia nye..hahaha=p
tp kalo ko..mmg ko kne kurus..hehehe=p
tak ajak siot g main bowling..
ni tak aci nie!!..
terrer la abg lokman main bowling..